Prof. Dr. Rebekka A. Klein
Ecumenical Institute
Faculty of Protestant Theology
Ruhr University Bochum
Universitätsstr. 150, GA 8/139
44801 Bochum
Prof. Dr. Klein
Upcoming Events
4./5. Oktober 2018
"Being Christian(s) together amidst the challenges of the age: Potential and resources of a theology of ecumenism for the 21st century"
Conference on the occasion of the reopening of the Ecumenical Institute at the Ruhr University Bochum.
18. Januar 2019
„Geist-Körper-Digitalität. Kann der Mensch durch ein virtuelles Bewusstsein ewig leben?“
Workshop in cooperation with the Chair of Interdisciplinary Questions of Philosophy and Theology at the Faculty of Catholic Theology.
9./10. Mai 2019
"In Need of a Master. Political Theologies in the Era of Immanence- Part 1"
International conference in cooperation with the Munich School of Philosophy.
24./25. Oktober 2019
"In Need of a Master. Political Theologies in the Era of Immanence- Part 2"
International conference in cooperation with the Munich School of Philosophy.
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