Chair of Practical Theology - Homiletics, Liturgics, Poimenics

In its teaching and research, the Chair held by Prof. Dr. Isolde Karle addresses questions of preaching theory and practice, conceptual issues of historical and present-day worship, pastoral care theory, the role of religion and church in the modern world, and issues of life choices and management (sexuality, love, marriage, family) from a sociological and a practical theology perspective.

Staff of the Institute for Religion and Society
Staff of the Institute for Religion and Society
© RUB, Kramer
Portraet Karle Startseite

© RUB, Kramer

Contact info

Prof. Dr. Isolde Karle
Chair of Practical Theology
Homiletics, Liturgics, Poimenics

Universitätsstr. 150
Building GA (South) 7/59-60
D - 44780 Bochum

Phone: +49 234 32-28399

Office hours

Outside of the lecture period, please make an appointment via e-mail.


Heike Falkenroth, available via e-mail

Building GA 7/59
Phone: +49 234 / 32-28399
Fax: +49 234 / 32-14398

How to get there / Campus map